Mother of Deceased Activist Speaks Out on Tragic Police Shooting During Nairobi Protest

Mother of Deceased Activist Speaks Out on Tragic Police Shooting During Nairobi Protest Jun, 21 2024

Mother's Heartbreaking Account of Son's Death During Nairobi Protest

Nairobi, a city often bustling with activity, turned into a scene of heartbreak and tragedy for one family on a fateful Thursday evening, as Jillian Munyau received the most devastating news a mother could hear. At around 7 p.m., Munyau took a call that would shatter her world. On the other end of the line was an informant telling her that her son, Rex Kanyike Masai, had been shot in the leg and taken to the Bliss Clinic, which is situated around the Archives area in Nairobi's Central Business District. Quickly making her way to the clinic, Munyau's hopes flickered with desperation. Alas, by the time she arrived, the young man had succumbed to his injuries.

The Deadly Path from Protest to Tragedy

According to Munyau's account, the events leading to Kanyike's untimely death were a grim reflection of the chaos and violence that erupted during the anti-Finance Bill protests. Kanyike had just finished work and was apparently trying to navigate his way out of the volatile scene that had taken over the heart of Nairobi. Standing with a few friends, Kanyike suddenly found himself amidst a clash between the anti-Finance Bill protesters and the police. A tear gas canister was lobbed at Kanyike and his companions as they scrambled to escape the choking fumes.

The Irreversible Moments Leading to Kanyike’s Demise

During the ensuing panic, Kanyike was hit by a bullet. His friends, driven by fear, fled the area but, as is often the case in such dire situations, loyalty pulled one friend back. He found Kanyike bleeding profusely, and their desperate search for aid led them to a nearby police officer. The response they got, however, was nothing short of shocking. The officer, instead of offering assistance, responded with heartless indifference, allegedly telling them to let Kanyike die. It was a display of callousness that stunned both the victim's friends and the broader community once the news broke.

Anger and Calls for Justice

Anger and Calls for Justice

As word of Kanyike's death spread, so did the fury of a community already inflamed by the broader socio-political issues at the heart of the protests. Social media platforms quickly became a battleground for justice and accountability. Hashtags calling for justice for Kanyike flooded the timelines, as netizens demanded swift and transparent action from the authorities. The pressure mounted, leading the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) to announce an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Kanyike's death. Many are now waiting with bated breath for the results of the investigation, hoping for justice in a case that has left a bitter taste in the mouths of many Kenyans.

Official Silence Amidst Rising Fury

Despite the heated calls for accountability, the police have remained tight-lipped about the incident. Their silence has only seemed to fuel the flames of anger further. Such incidents reflect a broader and more troubling pattern of excessive force and lack of accountability within certain segments of law enforcement in Kenya. As the investigation progresses, many are hoping that it will shine a light on these issues and lead to meaningful changes that can prevent such tragedies from recurring.

The Wider Implications for Public Protests

Kanyike's death isn't just a personal tragedy; it represents a larger issue regarding public assemblies and the state's response to dissent. The anti-Finance Bill protests, which were meant to be a legitimate expression of public dissatisfaction, turned fatal because of what many allege to be the overreach and aggressive tactics of law enforcement. Human rights organizations have frequently called for reforms in how protests are handled, urging for restraint and the protection of citizens' rights. This tragic event could serve as a catalyst for more stringent oversight and better-trained law enforcement officers who can manage protests without resorting to deadly force.

Remembering Rex Kanyike

Remembering Rex Kanyike

Amidst the outrage and calls for justice, it is important to remember that at the heart of this story is a young man whose life was cut short. Rex Kanyike Masai, remembered fondly by friends and family, had dreams and aspirations like many other young individuals in Kenya. His senseless death has left a void that can never be filled but has also ignited a spark for change. As his mother Munyau and many others mourn, they also hope for a future where no other family has to endure such pain.


The death of Rex Kanyike Masai during the protests is a stark reminder of the urgent need for accountability and reform within Kenyan law enforcement. The IPOA’s investigation may bring some answers, but the larger issue of police brutality and the silencing of legitimate protest remains a pressing concern. As the community continues to demand justice for Kanyike, it is clear that his tragic death will not be forgotten, and the fight for a more just and accountable society continues.